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《孩子们的反抗》/原名:《》上映日期:1910, 暂无 Over-indulged and pampered; restrained and hampered by nurses and the \"don'ts\" of too much solicitude, the two children of wealthy parents long for freedom and show that they are in many respects quite as natural as most children and a little more unmanageable. On the train going to the country for the summer they insist upon indulging themselves in candy, lemonade and everything that comes in sight and then showing an utter disregard for them and less consideration for their parents who cater to their selfish whims. At the seashore the children arc kept under the espionage of nurse, governess and parents who will not permit them out of their sight. Naturally, the children long to play with the other youngsters and whenever they get a chance they break away from their guardians and get together with the other boys and girls on the beach, but they don't escape the vigilance of the nurse and governess, and are soon brought back to the straight and narrow path mapped out for them. Their little hearts long for freedom and they declare a revolt by getting out of their beds early in the morning, escaping while the nurse is yet asleep. They make a day of it, and the way they do mix in with the children, giving vent to every childish inclination, romping, bathing and boating; it does you good to see it. When the parents and nurses discover the absence of their cherubs they start out in search of them; the two young ones elude them several times, but they catch up with them just as they are starting out for a row in an old boat they find along the shore. The father rushes into the water, seizes his little girl from the boat and a friend gets the boy. The parents rejoice at the recovery of their dear ones, and they are quickly taken home. Snugly tucked in bed by the nurse who has no sooner left the room than the two truants get together to discuss the doings of the day and comment on the good time they had and the liberty they enjoyed. They kiss and are soon in the land of nod, dreaming of happy childhood days.《孩子们的反抗》百度云网盘资源以及《孩子们的反抗》高清mp4迅雷下载,《孩子们的反抗》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


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    Chime / 铃异(港)

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    我的五步男朋友(港) / 爱上触不到的你(台) / 五英尺的距离 / 相隔五英尺

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    马克·沃尔伯格,刘思慕,迈克尔·兰德斯,Zamantha Díaz,Roger Wasserman,Luis del Valle,Angie Gisèle,Jose Guillermo Jimenez Perdomo

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    The Nature of Love

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